Most of these images were generated using Giulia, a CPU rendering framework available here.
Fractal Art
Mandelbrot set
Newton’s fractal
Julia’s power 8 fractal
Sierpinski’s triangle
Mandelbar fractal
Julia set
These systems of differential equations were simulated using Theoretica’s Attractor example program.
Lorenz Attractor
Aizawa Attractor
Van der Pol Attractor
Arneodo Attractor
Thomas Attractor
Halvorsen Attractor
Rossler Attractor
Double Pendulum
Voronoi diagrams
Euclidean distance
Manhattan distance
Chebyshev distance
Minkowski L9 distance
Bezier curve construction
Lissajous curves
Pseudorandom number generators
These gray scale images were created using Theoretica’s pseudorandom number generators, giving a visual intuition of their quality. The first one was created using the C languages’s rand() function.