A C++ numerical and automatic mathematical library
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theoretica::autodiff Namespace Reference

Differential operators with automatic differentiation. More...


struct  is_dual2_type
 Type trait to check whether the given type is a multidual number. More...
struct  is_dual2_type< dual2 >
 Type trait to check whether the given type is a multidual number. More...
struct  is_dual_type
 Type trait to check whether the given type is a multidual number. More...
struct  is_dual_type< dual >
 Type trait to check whether the given type is a multidual number. More...
struct  is_multidual_type
 Type trait to check whether the given type is a multidual number. More...
struct  is_multidual_type< multidual< N > >
 Type trait to check whether the given type is a multidual number. More...


template<typename Function >
using is_dual_func = std::conditional_t< is_dual_type< typename _internal::return_type_or_void< Function, dual >::type >::value, std::true_type, std::false_type >
 Type trait to check whether the given function takes a dual number as its first argument.
template<typename Function , typename T = bool>
using enable_dual_func = typename std::enable_if< is_dual_func< Function >::value, T >::type
 Enable a certain function overload if the given type is a function taking as first argument a dual number.
template<typename Function >
using is_dual2_func = std::conditional_t< is_dual2_type< typename _internal::return_type_or_void< Function, dual2 >::type >::value, std::true_type, std::false_type >
 Type trait to check whether the given function takes a dual2 number as its first argument.
template<typename Function , typename T = bool>
using enable_dual2_func = typename std::enable_if< is_dual2_func< Function >::value, T >::type
 Enable a certain function overload if the given type is a function taking as first argument a dual2 number.
template<typename Type , typename T = bool>
using enable_multidual = typename std::enable_if< is_multidual_type< Type >::value, T >::type
 Enable a certain function overload if the given type is an instantiation of the multidual template class.
template<typename Function , typename T = bool>
using enable_scalar_field = typename std::enable_if< is_multidual_type< return_type_t< Function > >::value, T >::type
 Enable a certain function overload if the given type is a Callable object corresponding to a multidual function representing a scalar field, that is, a function taking a dvec_t and returning a dreal_t.
template<typename Function , typename T = bool>
using enable_vector_field = typename std::enable_if< is_multidual_type< vector_element_t< return_type_t< Function > > >::value, T >::type
 Enable a certain function overload if the given type is a Callable object corresponding to a multidual function representing a vector field, that is, a function taking a dvec_t and returning a dvec_t.
template<unsigned int N = 0>
using dreal_t = multidual< N >
 Real type for multivariate automatic differentiation (read "differential real").
template<unsigned int N = 0>
using dvec_t = vec< dreal_t< N >, N >
 Vector type for multivariate automatic differentiation (read "differential vector").
using dreal = dreal_t< 0 >
 Real type for multivariate automatic differentiation with dynamically allocated vectors.
using dvec = dvec_t< 0 >
 Vector type for multivariate automatic differentiation with dynamically allocated vectors.
using dreal2 = dreal_t< 2 >
 Real type for multivariate automatic differentiation with two-dimensional statically allocated vectors.
using dvec2 = dvec_t< 2 >
 Vector type for multivariate automatic differentiation with two-dimensional statically allocated vectors.
using dreal3 = dreal_t< 3 >
 Real type for multivariate automatic differentiation with three-dimensional statically allocated vectors.
using dvec3 = dvec_t< 3 >
 Vector type for multivariate automatic differentiation with three-dimensional statically allocated vectors.
using dreal4 = dreal_t< 4 >
 Real type for multivariate automatic differentiation with four-dimensional statically allocated vectors.
using dvec4 = dvec_t< 4 >
 Vector type for multivariate automatic differentiation with four-dimensional statically allocated vectors.


template<typename DualFunction = std::function<dual(dual)>, enable_dual_func< DualFunction > = true>
real deriv (DualFunction f, real x)
 Compute the derivative of a function at the given point using univariate automatic differentiation.
template<typename DualFunction = std::function<dual(dual)>, enable_dual_func< DualFunction > = true>
auto deriv (DualFunction f)
 Get a lambda function which computes the derivative of the given function at the given point, using automatic differentiation.
template<typename Dual2Function = std::function<dual2(dual2)>, enable_dual2_func< Dual2Function > = true>
real deriv2 (Dual2Function f, real x)
 Compute the second derivative of a function at the given point using univariate automatic differentiation.
template<typename Dual2Function = std::function<dual2(dual2)>, enable_dual2_func< Dual2Function > = true>
auto deriv2 (Dual2Function f)
 Get a lambda function which computes the second derivative of the given function at the given point, using automatic differentiation.
template<typename MultidualType , typename Vector = vec<real>>
auto make_autodiff_arg (const Vector &x)
 Prepare a vector of multidual numbers in "canonical" form, where the i-th element of the vector has a dual part which is the i-th canonical vector.
template<typename Function , typename Vector = vec<real>, enable_scalar_field< Function > = true, enable_vector< Vector > = true>
auto gradient (Function f, const Vector &x)
 Compute the gradient \(\nabla f = \sum_i^n \vec e_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(\vec x)\) for a given \(\vec x\) of a scalar field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) using automatic differentiation.
template<typename Function , enable_scalar_field< Function > = true>
auto gradient (Function f)
 Get a lambda function which computes the gradient \(\nabla f = \sum_i^n \vec e_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(\vec x)\) of a given scalar field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at \(\vec x\) using automatic differentiation.
template<typename Function , typename Vector = vec<real>, enable_scalar_field< Function > = true, enable_vector< Vector > = true>
real divergence (Function f, const Vector &x)
 Compute the divergence \(\sum_i^n \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(\vec x)\) for a given \(\vec x\) of a scalar field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) using automatic differentiation.
template<typename Function , enable_scalar_field< Function > = true>
auto divergence (Function f)
 Get a lambda function which computes the divergence of a given function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at a given \(\vec x\) using automatic differentiation.
template<unsigned int N = 0, unsigned int M = 0>
mat< real, M, N > jacobian (vec< multidual< N >, M >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >), const vec< real, N > &x)
 Compute the jacobian of a vector field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M\).
template<unsigned int N = 0, unsigned int M = 0>
auto jacobian (vec< multidual< N >, M >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >))
 Get a lambda function which computes the jacobian of a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M\) for a given $\vec x$.
template<unsigned int N = 0>
vec< real, N > curl (vec< multidual< N >, N >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >), const vec< real, N > &x)
 Compute the curl for a given \(\vec x\) of a vector field defined by \(f: \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3\) using automatic differentiation.
template<unsigned int N = 0>
auto curl (vec< multidual< N >, N >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >))
 Get a lambda function which computes the curl for a given \(\vec x\) of a vector field defined by \(f: \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3\) using automatic differentiation.
template<unsigned int N = 0>
vec< real, N > directional_derivative (multidual< N >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >), const vec< real, N > &x, const vec< real, N > &v)
 Compute the directional derivative of a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\).
template<unsigned int N = 0>
auto directional_derivative (multidual< N >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >), const vec< real, N > &v)
 Get a lambda function which computes the directional derivative of a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\).
template<unsigned int N = 0>
real laplacian (dual2(*f)(vec< dual2, N >), const vec< real, N > &x)
 Compute the Laplacian differential operator for a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at a given $\vec x$.
template<unsigned int N = 0>
auto laplacian (dual2(*f)(vec< dual2, N >))
 Get a lambda function which computes the Laplacian differential operator for a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at a given $\vec x$.
template<unsigned int N = 0>
real sturm_liouville (multidual< N >(*f)(vec< multidual< N >, N >), multidual< N >(*H)(vec< multidual< N >, N >), vec< real, N > eta)
 Compute the Sturm-Liouville operator on a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^{2N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) with respect to a given Hamiltonian function of the form \(H: \mathbb{R}^{2N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) where the first N arguments are the coordinates in phase space and the last N arguments are the conjugate momenta, for a given point in phase space.

Detailed Description

Differential operators with automatic differentiation.

Function Documentation

◆ curl() [1/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0>
auto theoretica::autodiff::curl ( vec< multidual< N >, N >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the curl for a given \(\vec x\) of a vector field defined by \(f: \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3\) using automatic differentiation.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
A lambda function which computes the curl of f.

◆ curl() [2/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0>
vec< real, N > theoretica::autodiff::curl ( vec< multidual< N >, N >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f,
const vec< real, N > &  x 

Compute the curl for a given \(\vec x\) of a vector field defined by \(f: \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3\) using automatic differentiation.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
xThe point to compute the curl at.
The curl of f at x.

◆ deriv() [1/2]

template<typename DualFunction = std::function<dual(dual)>, enable_dual_func< DualFunction > = true>
auto theoretica::autodiff::deriv ( DualFunction  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the derivative of the given function at the given point, using automatic differentiation.

fThe function to differentiate, with dual argument and return value.
A lambda function which computes the derivative of f using automatic differentiation.

◆ deriv() [2/2]

template<typename DualFunction = std::function<dual(dual)>, enable_dual_func< DualFunction > = true>
real theoretica::autodiff::deriv ( DualFunction  f,
real  x 

Compute the derivative of a function at the given point using univariate automatic differentiation.

fThe function to differentiate, with dual argument and return value.
xThe coordinate to compute the derivative at.
The derivative of f at x.

◆ deriv2() [1/2]

template<typename Dual2Function = std::function<dual2(dual2)>, enable_dual2_func< Dual2Function > = true>
auto theoretica::autodiff::deriv2 ( Dual2Function  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the second derivative of the given function at the given point, using automatic differentiation.

fThe function to differentiate, with dual2 argument and return value.
A lambda function which computes the derivative of f using automatic differentiation.

◆ deriv2() [2/2]

template<typename Dual2Function = std::function<dual2(dual2)>, enable_dual2_func< Dual2Function > = true>
real theoretica::autodiff::deriv2 ( Dual2Function  f,
real  x 

Compute the second derivative of a function at the given point using univariate automatic differentiation.

fThe function to differentiate, with dual2 argument and return value.
xThe coordinate to compute the derivative at.
The derivative of f at x.

◆ directional_derivative() [1/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0>
auto theoretica::autodiff::directional_derivative ( multidual< N >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f,
const vec< real, N > &  v 

Get a lambda function which computes the directional derivative of a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\).

fThe function to partially differentiate
xThe point to compute the derivative at
vThe direction to compute the derivative on
In most applications, the vector v should be a unit vector, but the function does not control whether the vector has unit length or not.
fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
vThe direction of the derivative.
A lambda function which computes the directional derivative over v of f.

◆ directional_derivative() [2/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0>
vec< real, N > theoretica::autodiff::directional_derivative ( multidual< N >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f,
const vec< real, N > &  x,
const vec< real, N > &  v 

Compute the directional derivative of a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\).

fThe function to partially differentiate
xThe point to compute the derivative at
vThe direction to compute the derivative on
In most applications, the vector v should be a unit vector, but the function does not control whether the vector has unit length or not.
fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
xThe point to compute the directional derivative at.
vThe direction of the derivative.
The directional derivative over v of f at x.

◆ divergence() [1/2]

auto theoretica::autodiff::divergence ( Function  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the divergence of a given function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at a given \(\vec x\) using automatic differentiation.

The returned lambda function accepts a vec<real, N> argument. The argument function may be a function pointer or lambda function, with the type dvec_t as first argument and dreal_t return type.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
A lambda function which computes the divergence of f at x.

◆ divergence() [2/2]

template<typename Function , typename Vector = vec<real>, enable_scalar_field< Function > = true, enable_vector< Vector > = true>
real theoretica::autodiff::divergence ( Function  f,
const Vector x 

Compute the divergence \(\sum_i^n \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(\vec x)\) for a given \(\vec x\) of a scalar field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) using automatic differentiation.

The argument function may be a function pointer or lambda function, with the type dvec_t as first argument and dreal_t return type.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
xThe point to compute the divergence at.
The divergence of f at x.

◆ gradient() [1/2]

auto theoretica::autodiff::gradient ( Function  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the gradient \(\nabla f = \sum_i^n \vec e_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(\vec x)\) of a given scalar field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at \(\vec x\) using automatic differentiation.

The returned lambda function accepts a vec<real, N> argument. The argument function may be a function pointer or lambda function, with the type dvec_t as first argument and dreal_t return type.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a multidual number as output.
A lambda function which computes the gradient of f.

◆ gradient() [2/2]

template<typename Function , typename Vector = vec<real>, enable_scalar_field< Function > = true, enable_vector< Vector > = true>
auto theoretica::autodiff::gradient ( Function  f,
const Vector x 

Compute the gradient \(\nabla f = \sum_i^n \vec e_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(\vec x)\) for a given \(\vec x\) of a scalar field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) using automatic differentiation.

The argument function may be a function pointer or lambda function, with the type dvec_t as first argument and dreal_t return type.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a multidual number as output.
xThe point to compute the gradient at.
The gradient of f computed at x.

◆ jacobian() [1/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0, unsigned int M = 0>
auto theoretica::autodiff::jacobian ( vec< multidual< N >, M >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the jacobian of a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M\) for a given $\vec x$.

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
A lambda function which computes the Jacobian matrix of f.

◆ jacobian() [2/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0, unsigned int M = 0>
mat< real, M, N > theoretica::autodiff::jacobian ( vec< multidual< N >, M >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f,
const vec< real, N > &  x 

Compute the jacobian of a vector field of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M\).

fA function with a vector of multidual numbers as input and a vector of multidual numbers as output.
xThe point to compute the Jacobian at.
The Jacobian matrix of f at x.

◆ laplacian() [1/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0>
auto theoretica::autodiff::laplacian ( dual2(*)(vec< dual2, N >)  f)

Get a lambda function which computes the Laplacian differential operator for a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at a given $\vec x$.

fA function taking a vector of dual2 numbers and returning a dual2 number.
A lambda function which computes the Laplacian of f at x.

◆ laplacian() [2/2]

template<unsigned int N = 0>
real theoretica::autodiff::laplacian ( dual2(*)(vec< dual2, N >)  f,
const vec< real, N > &  x 

Compute the Laplacian differential operator for a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) at a given $\vec x$.

fA function taking a vector of dual2 numbers and returning a dual2 number.
xThe point to compute the Laplacian at.
The Laplacian of f at x.

◆ make_autodiff_arg()

template<typename MultidualType , typename Vector = vec<real>>
auto theoretica::autodiff::make_autodiff_arg ( const Vector x)

Prepare a vector of multidual numbers in "canonical" form, where the i-th element of the vector has a dual part which is the i-th canonical vector.

This form is used to evaluate a multidual function for automatic differentiation.

◆ sturm_liouville()

template<unsigned int N = 0>
real theoretica::autodiff::sturm_liouville ( multidual< N >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  f,
multidual< N >(*)(vec< multidual< N >, N >)  H,
vec< real, N >  eta 

Compute the Sturm-Liouville operator on a generic function of the form \(f: \mathbb{R}^{2N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) with respect to a given Hamiltonian function of the form \(H: \mathbb{R}^{2N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) where the first N arguments are the coordinates in phase space and the last N arguments are the conjugate momenta, for a given point in phase space.

fA function taking a vector of multidual numbers and returning a multidual number.
HThe Hamiltonian of the system.
etaA vector containing N = 2K elements, where the first K elements are the coordinates and the last K elements are the conjugate momenta.